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...– all with free Wi-Fi. Trainees will also enjoy a new gymnasium offering updated sports and recreation facilities, Officer and SNCO Messes, as well as other supporting amenities such as...
...that properties are kept moisture free, and, to further aid prevention, damp proof treatment was applied and loft insulation improved. The houses have also been redecorated, with carpets and vinyl...
...stepped in to guard sites to free up police officers for other duties. Responding to bad weather Probably the most common reason for military assistance is in response to adverse...
...the accessibility requirements needed for people with mobility issues, such as wider gates and tracks or paths free of simple low-level barriers that could be overlooked, including drains. We also... up their free time to serve their nation. My role as the Officer Commanding has included preparing reserve soldiers for deployment to support in the fight against Coronavirus. During...
...the fresh air. There’s also lots of free workouts that you can try out at home. I take a walk in the countryside near my home daily which has helped...
...Tarmac very kindly provided the shingle for free, Chris Lycett from Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust and I were on hand to make sure everything went smoothly, and...
...This remarkable achievement has been due to the hard work of Landmarc teams and waste partner GPT. In addition, for Plastic Free July 2021, over 250 Landmarc staff made pledges...’d like to know more about MOD Conservation Groups, are thinking about getting involved or even setting one up, feel free to contact the DIO Environmental Engagement Team at: