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Firing at ground targets: Pembrey Sands Air Weapons Range

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Hi, I’m Marty Alexandre, DIO’s Training Safety Officer at Pembrey Sands in Wales, an Air Weapons Range (AWR) on the coastline of Carmarthen. I’m a former bomb disposal officer which is useful in this job!

This unique part of the training estate is used by both pilots in training and more experienced members of the RAF and NATO.

A map of the Air Weapons Range at Pembrey Sands. [Crown Copyright/MOD2017]
A map of the Air Weapons Range at Pembrey Sands. [Crown Copyright/MOD2017]
It is an air-to-ground bombing and strafing practice area and also offers a beach environment for crews to establish Temporary Landing Zones to practise natural surface operations.

DIO’s role

DIO is the Range Administering Unit, aiming to provide a safe and sustainable place for pilots to train. We have air traffic controllers working at the range, assisted by two main tower assistants, both of whom are qualified meteorological observers.

The Air Traffic Control Tower at Pembrey Sands Air Weapons Range. [Crown Copyright/MOD2017]
The Air Traffic Control Tower at Pembrey Sands Air Weapons Range. [Crown Copyright/MOD2017]
We also have a ground radio technician, two quadrant op/ bomb spotters, one foul line observer, two boundary sentries and a munitions disposal team working at the range. The site is geographically spread out so these roles are dispersed across Pembrey Sands.

Pembrey Sands

Pembrey Sands has been owned by the MOD for a long time, initially as an RAF station. In the mid-1930s it was the top bombing and gunnery school in the UK and by May 1940 it was a Fighter Command station. In the Second World War it was involved in the defence of industrial areas in Bristol and South Wales. RAF Pembrey itself was closed in 1957 and handed to Carmarthen County Council, so today we see Pembrey Country Park, a motor circuit and a private airport where the RAF base once was.

A view of the Range from the Air Traffic Control Tower. [Crown Copyright/MOD2017]
A view of the Range from the Air Traffic Control Tower. [Crown Copyright/MOD2017]
The AWR at Pembrey Sands remains part of the MOD estate, bordered to the west and north by a large estuary and to the south by the wild forest of Pembrey Park. Activity on the range is managed from a control tower and beach guard boxes to ensure members of the public do not enter the AWR.

One of the portable Beach Control Boxes. [Crown Copyright/MOD2017]
Pembrey Sands has unique features compared to the other UK AWRs in that its beach can provide a Temporary Landing Zone. It also provides accommodation and kitchen facilities. The beach is accessible at one hour after low tide, and the site is able to hold day and night landings, meaning training can take place in the dark. C130 aircraft regularly use the airstrip and we recently assisted in the first test sand landing of an A400M.

Training facilitated at Pembrey Sands includes fast jet tests, Joint Terminal Air Controller training and helicopter training. There is an array of deployable targets on the range for Joint Helicopter Command, including Jaguar aircraft, and vehicles.

Two old Jaguar aircraft, used as targets. [Crown Copyright/MOD2017]
Two old Jaguar aircraft with armoured vehicles behind. They are all used as targets. . [Crown Copyright/MOD2017]
There are also strafe targets for gunners to practise with machine guns.

Across the UK there are four academic AWRs: in Pembrey Sands, Tain (Rossshire), Holbeach (Lincolnshire) and Donna Nook (Lincolnshire). An academic AWR has fixed targets and patterns, and all of these provide facilities for aircrew of both UK and NATO forces to train in the use of inert (non-live) air to ground weaponry.

They are all fully serviced and include air traffic control towers, Surface Danger Areas and Air Danger Areas, marine radar, ground radio and ground to air communications, strafe scoring equipment, bomb scoring equipment and meteorological equipment.

RAF Regiment Forward Air Controllers (FACs) from the Air Land Integration Cell (ALIC), based at RAF Honington (Suffolk), guide a Typhoon from 6 Squadron onto their target at the Cape Wrath practice range in Scotland. [Crown Copyright/MOD2013]
RAF Regiment Forward Air Controllers (FACs) from the Air Land Integration Cell (ALIC), based at RAF Honington (Suffolk), guide a Typhoon from 6 Squadron onto their target at the Cape Wrath practice range in Scotland. [Crown Copyright/MOD2013]
At all sites, we liaise with statutory and voluntary bodies on environmental matters, such as Natural England, Natural Resources Wales and conservation groups. We attend six monthly meetings with conservation groups and also work to look after the specifics of each site – particularly wildlife, like the seals at the Donna Nook coastal range, meaning we maintain an environmentally sustainable estate for the MOD.

Air Weapons Ranges are vital for training our pilots and gunners and I feel very lucky to help facilitate that, especially in such a beautiful place.

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  1. Comment by Owen posted on

    Is there much flying activity here during the winter months?

    • Replies to Owen>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Owen

      It's a difficult question to answer unfortunately, as flying is so weather dependent and can therefore be cancelled with very little notice.

      Sorry to not be more help.

      • Replies to DIO Communications Team>

        Comment by Stephen Guinan posted on

        Good evening, I have recently left the armed forces after completing 24 years and was wondering how do you apply for jobs with yourselves at Pembrey Sands as I am really interested in range work and safety I live in the local area and I was brought up around pembrey , so I know the area well if there is any job vacancies upcoming it will be great to hear from you.

  2. Comment by Kyle posted on

    Hi the other night 07/04/2018 at around 12am I heard four loud bangs that sounded like explosions coming form Pembrey Sands Air Weapons Range. I am writing to you to ask if the explosions I heard where training? If it was not bomb disposal training what was it you where doing? Am from Kidwelly so I live close to the Air Weapons Range. Now and again I see the jets training. It really cool to see. If what sounded like explosions where not coming form Pembrey Sands Air Weapons Range do you have any idea what I could have heard? Did you guy hear anything?

    I thought you stopped all training after 12am at night or do you train different times around the clock?

    • Replies to Kyle>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Kyle, thanks for reading and for the question. We've checked with the Pembrey Sands team and there wasn't anybody using the range on 7th April so the noises you heard were not from range activity.

      Regarding timings, we generally do stop air movement by midnight. However there are often ground troops occupying patrol bases in the forest block and they undergo tactical training such as ambush drills, which will entail the usage of pyrotechnics. There is no time limit on this activity.

  3. Comment by Stephen Curran posted on

    Any events coming up?

  4. Comment by Neil posted on


    Is there someone I could contact with regard to the retired aircraft on the Pembrey range?

    • Replies to Neil>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Neil

      We can see your email address so we can pass that on - what specifically do you want to know?

      • Replies to DIO Communications Team>

        Comment by Neil posted on


        Thanks for getting back to me.

        [email address deleted by admin]

  5. Comment by Nick posted on

    Hi there, is there a procedure to enter and exit the gwendreath estuaryon a week day as my boat is moored there and i usually only go out on a weekend?

    • Replies to Nick>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Nick

      Thanks for getting in touch. We'll find out and get back to you.

    • Replies to Nick>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Nick, thanks for reading and your question. Please contact the main office on 01554 890261 for further advice or the Pembrey Control Tower from 08:30 to 17:00 on 01554892205; they will assist in you gaining access to your mooring during range opening hours.

  6. Comment by Neil posted on

    Apologies, misread your reply. My interest is in the Jaguars you have onsite and if there is a process or someone I can speak with regarding some minor parts disposals. I am restoring an airframe.

    • Replies to Neil>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Neil, sadly we are not officially in a position to dispose of such items to the general public. However if you wish to discuss your project, please feel free to contact the HQ office on 01554 890261.

  7. Comment by Steff posted on

    Unfortunately I missed the events in April, is anything else happening over the next couple of weeks?
    I live in kidwelly and remember the jets constantly (at least it felt that way) flying over head in the 1980’s. We used to try and identify them. Fond memories!
    Im on annual leave at the moment and took a wander down to the country park and walked as far as having the control box on the beach in site and to my delight I could hear the jets coming!! I watched entranced until they finished. I don’t know why but watching them really pulls on my heart strings!
    I have my AST next week for the RAF Aux. Today and yesterday’s show has just confirmed that i have absolutely done the right thing.
    On a final note, without you guys our forces wouldn’t be the finest military in the world! Thanks

    • Replies to Steff>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Steff

      Thanks for the lovely message! We'll check in with the team to see what might be coming up, but you should be aware that because of the nature of it, training can be cancelled or moved at the last minute for a variety of reasons including unsuitable weather.

      Good luck with selection - one of our team has recently passed RAF Aux Officer Selection and is very excited about what comes next!

      Kind regards


      • Replies to DIO Communications Team>

        Comment by Steff posted on

        Thanks for the reply Helen, no need to thank me for the message. The absolute least we can do is send kind words, you all deserve far more than that.
        Hope your colleague enjoys what’s coming next, I’m certainly nervously excited myself! Whatever is thrown at us, I’m sure we’ll relish the challenge and flourish.
        Once again, thank you and your team!

    • Replies to Steff>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Steff

      The team have confirmed there is the usual day-to-day activity but there are also plans for the Royal Artillery to attend in the final two weeks of July to conduct air controller training, which will generate a lot of air traffic on the range.

      Hope this helps.

      • Replies to DIO Communications Team>

        Comment by Steff posted on

        Thanks for the update, looks like a jaunt down the beach will be on the cards end of July.
        Am rather excited now!

  8. Comment by Greg Malone posted on

    Good Morning,
    I filmed an aerial video for Carmarthen Bay Holiday Park a few weeks ago, (with permission from Pembrey), and I'm looking to head back in the next few days for more aerial filming, but I can't seem to find towers's tel no again! Is this something you could point me in the right direction with please?
    Thank you!

    • Replies to Greg Malone>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Greg

      Thanks for the message. We don't have the tower number but you could try the Training Safety Officer on 01554 890261.

      Good luck!

  9. Comment by Richard posted on

    Hi, I am holidaying in St Clears from this Friday onwards, how and where do you go to see the action in the air weapons range??

    • Replies to Richard>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Richard

      There isn't a public viewing area but if there's activity going on you should be able to see it from the local area. Pembrey Country Park would probably be a good spot.

      Enjoy your holiday!

  10. Comment by Nick posted on

    What days of the week is access to the airport end of the beach restricted ?
    Last time I visited I found myself in the restricted area as I had travelled across the dunes and down on to the beach on my mountain bike, unaware of the dangers.

  11. Comment by Mark Jones posted on


    I'm interested in watching these events where can i find / watch for time tables off these events if they are public.



  12. Comment by Steffanie Morgan posted on

    I’m back with another query, any idea on timings for the tornado fly past on the 20th? Approximations would be appreciated, I have the offer of going to St Athans but would far prefer to be on home turf.
    Plus anything else unusual planned in for the foreseeable future?
    Many thanks

  13. Comment by Jeff Burt posted on

    Hi. My daughter is living in Pembrey and she has complained to me about excessive aircraft noises overnight for the last several nights. Is there any nighttime activity currently going on in the area and if so, can you say how long they are scheduled to last.



  14. Comment by Jeff Burt posted on

    Thanks for this information which would imply that no MOD activity has been taking place after 16.30hrs.

    • Replies to Jeff Burt>

      Comment by rebeccarobinson posted on

      Hi Jeff

      I've checked with the team at Pembrey Sands and been told the following:

      We occasionally have aircraft night firing at Pembrey Sands, mainly helicopters. In the past month we have had 2 nights of firing by a Chinook that ended at 21:00. We have a couple more bookings in March for Merlins to do some night firing. The Merlin is smaller than the Chinook and therefore less noisy. We also sometimes have night landings of C130s on the beach. They are booked in for two days at the end of March. We do try and limit night activity with most serials booked in during the day. Aircraft are also in the area for only short periods of time; usually only about 30mins to achieve most tasking. Night firing cut off time is 23:59, and most activity is over by 22:30. We do try and keep noise disruption to a minimum. Overnight activity will continue indefinitely; we usually average about 2 or 3 days a month. Some aircraft are noisier than others, however they still have to achieve their night serials to remain current.

      I hope this helps.

  15. Comment by Jeff Burt posted on

    Thanks for this information

  16. Comment by Heidi posted on

    Hi I was just wondering if you will be out testing this week. We really enjoy seeing the planes flying over and the different tests you do? We are down and would love to see if you are training?
    Kind regards

    • Replies to Heidi>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Heidi, thanks for your interest! We're checking with the team on the ground and will let you know. Just as a warning though, aircraft training is particularly susceptible to weather so can be cancelled at short notice as aircraft move to other locations where the conditions are more favourable for what they need to do.

      • Replies to DIO Communications Team>

        Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

        We've just heard back and I'm afraid there's not much this week. There are two Hawk aircraft scheduled to use the range today but that's all.

  17. Comment by Daniel J Barry posted on

    Hi there. Just wondering if the planes will be out training this week at all?


    • Replies to Daniel J Barry>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Daniel, somebody else has asked the same question so we're finding out and will let you know. Thanks for the interest!

      • Replies to DIO Communications Team>

        Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

        We've just heard back and I'm afraid there's not much this week. There are two Hawk aircraft scheduled to use the range today but that's all.

  18. Comment by Steff posted on

    Hi Guys,

    Anything at all planned in for next week and anything unusual planned in for the next couple of months... still trying to catch a beach landing!!

    Thanks in advance!!


    • Replies to Steff>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Steff, it's just Cadets at the moment, mostly in the forestry areas. There are a few beach landings planned for early evening next week, Tuesday to Thursday. Hope that helps!

  19. Comment by Robert posted on

    Hi there.

    I am currently staying at carmarthen bay holiday park across the estuary. Today as I arrived back at my caravan after a trip to pendine sands I caught a hawk doing a few low level passes, amazing. Am heading over to pembrey park 2moro, any activity planned for then? Or Thursday? Am here until Friday and me and my son would love to see a couple more jets. My son's grandad is in the raf and hes absolutely facinated.


  20. Comment by Robert Perham posted on


    We are staying at carmarthen bay holiday park. Taking a drive over to pembrey country park today, any activity planned for today? Caught a glimpse of a hawk yesterday from the caravan.

  21. Comment by Robert Perham posted on


    Staying at carmarthen bay. Leaving Friday. And activity planned for 2moro? Would love to catch a jet or 2


    • Replies to Robert Perham>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Robert

      Thanks for the question and sorry for the delay in replying. It's only Cadets at the moment, using the forestry areas. Hope you had a good trip!

  22. Comment by Robert Perham posted on

    Thanks for the reply. We are back in August so hopefully we will catch something then.

    Also sorry for asking 3 times!!! My first or second comment didn't show up for some reason.

  23. Comment by Jamie posted on

    Hi There,

    Wondering if there is likely to be any air activity over the coming weekend? 6th - 8th of February? Eager to see some activity when in the area.

    Thanks in advance

    • Replies to Jamie>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Jamie

      We're checking with the team and will let you know. Presumably you meant July not February? 😉

      • Replies to DIO Communications Team>

        Comment by Jamie Johnson posted on

        I have no idea why I wrote Feb! It must have been a long day, but i certainly meant July 🙂

        • Replies to Jamie Johnson>

          Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

          Thought so! We've just heard back from the team and there is nothing currently planned. Apparently it's unusual to have air activity at the weekend. Sorry to not have better news for you!

          • Replies to DIO Communications Team>

            Comment by Jamie Johnson posted on

            No worries, I appreciate the reply!

  24. Comment by Gareth Turnbull posted on


    I am a CAA PFCO holder and looking for contact details of the relevant department, to make an enquiry with regards to two possible commercial drone flights in Kidwelly and one in Pembrey.

    Thanks in advance.

  25. Comment by nick thomas posted on

    hi all- The 2800 acre forest at pembrey belongs to Natural Resources Wales not carmarthenshire county council as you stated I belive Forestry commission wales actually owned the firing range and MOD leased it - FC assets transferred to NRW on wind up of FC quango -

  26. Comment by Steffanie Morgan posted on

    Hi, becoming one of the regulars on here now.
    I’m back working locally until my long awaited RAF regulars date comes through.
    Is there anything interesting happening on the range over the next couple of weeks/months. As always, I understand it’s all weather dependant.
    Great to hear the helicopters flying overhead as I write this, their noise gives me goose bumps! If only they did more day time flying.

    • Replies to Steffanie Morgan>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Steffanie

      Sorry we didn't see this post - we weren't posting ourselves due to pre-election purdah, but we're back now!

      • Replies to DIO Communications Team>

        Comment by Steffanie Morgan posted on

        Anything interesting coming up soon? Still waiting to see a beach landing... so elusive to me.

  27. Comment by Joe Elliott posted on

    Hello, I hope you are all well,

    I have just been reading this article and the feed below it. I am a young musician living in Bridgend South Wales hoping to join the Corps of Army Music in a the next year or so. I also have an interest in Military Aviation though and have really enjoyed watching the various planes from Brize Norton train in the vicinity of Cardiff over the last few months during lockdown.
    I would love to travel west down to Pembrey and see a any helicopter activity or a beach landing especially! I was just wondering if you could let me know if any were planned for the next month or two before I head back to school in September?

    Many thanks and I hope you and all your team are keeping well!

    Joe Elliott

    (If you need to email an answer back my Email is [email removed by Admin])

    • Replies to Joe Elliott>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Joe

      Thanks for your interest!

      There is no helicopter activity planned in that time period but there are a number of beach landings. The current timescales are:

      Tue 18/08/20 - 12:50-15:50 (A400)
      Wed 19/08/20 - 13:35-16:35 (A400)
      Thu 20/08/20 - 14:20-17:20 (A400)
      Fri 21/08/20 - 15:05-18:05 (A400)
      Mon 24/08/20 - 17.10-20.10 (A400/C130)

      However as you might imagine it is subject to change due to weather or for other reasons. You can watch from the country park.

      Good luck with your Army career!

  28. Comment by Joe posted on

    Thank you very much for letting me know that is brilliant, I’m hoping I’ll be able to get down there for one of the days to watch!! It’ll be fantastic to watch before I head back for A Levels in September!

    I really appreciate you getting back to me so soon. I might write here again closer to the time just to see if the times have changed if that is ok!

    Many thanks once again.

  29. Comment by Daniel posted on

    Hi is it possible to come and take photos of the Jaguar fighter jets at any point in the day when there isn’t target practice going on, many thanks

  30. Comment by Les Shaw posted on

    Hello and happy new year. I was stationed at R.A.F. Pembrey as an armourer fitter in the 1950's arming vampires. I am an Australian now living in Fiji. Memories were stirred when looking at a satelite view of the airfield. While at Pembrey, I witnessed several crashes and am now convinced that flying is for the birds.Best wishes, Les.

  31. Comment by Geoff Isaac posted on

    Are there beach landings in day time this year? Thanks

  32. Comment by Steffan Gravell posted on

    Hello, is it notified anywhere that the beach landings are taking place? Thanks.

  33. Comment by Steffan Gravell posted on

    Do you have any more beach landings scheduled please?

  34. Comment by Paul Webb posted on

    How far ahead do beach landings get planned? I am an aviation photographer & i am looking to travel to the area end of may-start of June so am hoping there may be some activities around then.
    Also, i cant seem to find your twitter account. Is it still active?

    • Replies to Paul Webb>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Paul

      I'm not sure I'm afraid! They can certainly be cancelled last minute due to poor weather. You can find us on Twitter at @mod_dio.

  35. Comment by Paul Webb posted on

    Further to my previous message. I may now be traveling up mid may.
    Any info on beach landings 17th-21st? Also, 14th-18th June?

  36. Comment by Christopher Wright posted on

    Hi - I hope you are all well.

    My family and I will be on holiday at Pendine from 29th May 2021 to 5th June 2021. I'm a keen aviation photographer and I wish to know if there will be any activity during the dates of my holiday, particularly Hercules / Atlas beach landings. I've been fortunate to get photographs of both aircraft at low level in Snowdonia in the past and I wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to witness the awesome sight of these aircraft doing touch and go landings on at Pembrey! Since leaving Uni back in the early 90s I have also worked as an aerospace design engineer. I have worked on the engine design for both the Typhoon and Lightning II as well as the flap control system for the A400M.

    Many Thanks


  37. Comment by Tim Jones posted on

    Hi do you please have any contact details to arrange a short visit to see the Jaguars?

    Many thanks,


  38. Comment by Tim Jones posted on

    Thanks very much for getting back to me. Both seen from Kidwelly Quay.



  39. Comment by Tommy posted on

    Hi are you guys is there going to be any action on the range in the next few days as we are on holiday and would love to see it in use as my teenager wants to be a fighter pilot!
    Cheers Tom

    • Replies to Tommy>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Tom,

      Thank you for your question.

      We have checked with the team, who have advised that there will be C130 Hercules landing on the beach next week (Mon – Thurs). The landings correspond with when the tide is out, so some in the morning and some in the evening. A good location to observe these from is the dune line in Pembrey Country Park, at the extreme northern end of the park.

      The team weren't able to provide details of any fast jet training for next week unfortunately, as this is only known on the day.



  40. Comment by Paul Grace posted on


    Is there a way of knowing when there are going to be beach landings?

    Would love to take pics of it.

    Many Thanks


  41. Comment by Sue posted on

    Hi could you tell me if they are doing any landings on the beach this year

    • Replies to Sue>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Sue,

      The next landings are due 17-21 April, and will take place during both day and night. Following those dates, a further set of landings are due to take place 5-8 May. Watching the tide times can give a useful indicator of when the landings will occur, as they'll only do so two hours either side of low water.

      • Replies to DIO Communications Team>

        Comment by Sue posted on

        Thank you for replying

  42. Comment by Perry posted on

    Hi. I was wondering if there are any upcoming events to look out for in the near future. Love watching the training take place, however this seems a lot quieter this year.

    Thanks in advance

  43. Comment by John Sippitt posted on

    Good afternoon, can I please ask if there is a contact number or email address I could use to liaise with someone regarding potentially flying a small UAV no more that 10’ above roof height within Airspace EGD118 PEMBREY? Many thanks.

    • Replies to John Sippitt>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi John,

      No drone flying is allowed during the week. However, we don't use the airspace at the weekend so it is permitted then. You would need to liaise with Pembrey airport as they have light aircraft which may be flying.

  44. Comment by Kim Davies posted on

    I was walking on Whiteford sands today and could hear frequent boom noises, like mini sonic booms. Are these coming from your station, as that is what I’ve been told many times, so thought I would clarify.

    Many thanks

  45. Comment by Jordan posted on


    Are there any upcoming beach landings planned?


  46. Comment by Rob posted on


    I'm staying at the Holiday Park across the water and it's incredible to see evening/night helicopter activities taking place yesterday/today.

    I wondered I'd you could share any information about the activities taking place this week? Who's flying, training goals/objectives, type of helicopter flying, the weapons being fired (ammo type).


  47. Comment by Steven Bradley posted on


    I was the first RAF Assistant employed at Pembrey Range, many years ago. Am I able to make a visit to the site for old times sake.

  48. Comment by Martin posted on

    Hi, sorry if this I answered above but I trawled though a lot of messages and didn’t see what I was looking for.

    I’ve seen a few public photos and videos of the jaguar fighter jets, is it actually allows to cross the land safely and see these? I’d be interested in having a look, but not if it involves trespassing a military base.

    If yes, are they easy to find and where would visitors park?

    Are there other points of interest, I’ve seen a shipwreck(s) on the beach, is this the same land?

    Thank you

  49. Comment by Emily White posted on

    Hey there! Is it safe to walk along Pembry Sands? I would like to visit the abandoned fighter jets and tanks. Thanks.

  50. Comment by Hayley Tipples posted on


    I am part of an Endurance group and we usually send a letter to the MOD at Pembrey to inform of our events in the forestry and on the beach in April and again in September. I am just wondering if it would be easier or more convenient to send an email and if so could someone inform me of which email to use. However, if a letter is preferred I will continue to send letters.

    • Replies to Hayley Tipples>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      We would suggest asking in your letter if there is a better method of contact to use in future; there probably is a suitable email address but we don't know what that would be.

      DIO Comms team

      • Replies to DIO Communications Team>

        Comment by Hayley Tipples posted on

        I will do that. Thank you.

  51. Comment by Wilf posted on

    Hi, is there an online map/diagram showing the areas that are publicly accessible and which are not? The AWR details on don't make it clear that some areas are permanently restricted

  52. Comment by Peter Evans posted on

    As a small boat sailor I may go into Carmarthen Bay on my way to Tenby; there is also a marina at Burry Port.
    I have a full Admiralty Chart folio for the Bristol Channel; but none of my charts show the extent of the Pembrey Range sea danger area.
    Please can you define the edges of your danger area so I can mark up my own charts and keep out of your hair on weekdays in summer!
    Also: does Pembrey Range use VHF Ch73 as their working channel?
    Best regards
    Peter Evans
    PS - Odd, there seems to be no way to find this information on an official website. Is it meant to be a secret? Milford Haven Port Authority publish a clear chart for the Castlemartin Range, but I'm still hunting for the Manorbier Range equivalent ...

    • Replies to Peter Evans>

      Comment by DIO Communications Team posted on

      Hi Peter, great question.

      The danger area for Pembrey is not marked on the chart as it does not extend into a sea area navigable by most vessels - as the tidal range is so huge most of the sea area is too shallow to be navigable by most vessels (or, when the tide is out, is just sandbars).

      The team do use Ch73, yes.

      Hope that helps!

      DIO Communications Team

  53. Comment by Brian Rees posted on

    hi is the range used all year or is it only open at certain times of the year for training

  54. Comment by Peter Evans posted on

    Thank you for that. If in doubt I'll call you on 73



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