The UK Defence Training Estate is home to a diverse range of habitats and wildlife species, many of which have been granted protected status. Through our work with industry partners, conservation organisations, and the UK Armed Forces themselves, DIO is …
MOD land is held solely for the purpose of training the Armed Forces. Managing this land to enable the military to prepare for real-life situations is a crucial part of DIO’s role.
It’s Recycle Week, the nation’s annual celebration of recycling and an opportunity for us all to consider how we can ‘Step It Up’ in our efforts to recycle and re-use more of the right things, more often.
With my colleagues in the Overseas and Training (OS & TRG) team in Kenya, I’ve been working on a project to increase the number of trees on the British Army Training Unit Kenya (BATUK). We’re doing this through seed bombing, …
Nominations for the Sanctuary Awards close on 31 July and it’s your last chance to nominate projects across our categories from the Individual Achievement Award through to the Social Value and Sustainable Procurement and Construction Award.
Nominations for the MOD Sanctuary Awards close on 31 July and we’re looking for entries in the Net Zero and Resource Efficiency Award as well as the Sustainable Procurement and Construction Award.
This week is National Pollinator’s Week and we’d like to share the initiatives we’ve put in place to help protect bees on the Defence estate. Bees are major pollinators, that ensure food and food security, sustainable agriculture and biodiversity and …
A few weeks ago I was thrilled to be in Portsmouth Harbour to witness the culmination of three years of work on an unusual project. I’m DIO’s Principal Ecologist, which means I lead a team responsible for managing the habitats and species on MOD …
Last week, we hosted the first ever virtual Sanctuary Awards, celebrating the achievements of teams and individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to sustainability and conservation across the MOD estate.
This week we hosted the first ever virtual Sanctuary Awards ceremony! The Sanctuary Awards have been showcasing outstanding sustainability and conservation efforts across the Ministry of Defence (MOD) estate since 1991, celebrating the achievements of teams and individuals in the …
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Inside DIO
Insight into our work at the Defence Infrastructure Organisation, or DIO for short. We’re part of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and look after the military estate, both in the UK and overseas.