We all know that deforestation is a major environmental concern around the world. Carbon dioxide is a huge contributor to climate change, but trees capture and store carbon dioxide. Scientists say planting more trees is a great way to reduce …
Like all organisations across the country – and much of the world – DIO has been heavily impacted by Coronavirus and Covid-19. Unlike many of our staff, the MOD Guard Service can't work from home. How have they adapted to the current situation?
The Ministry of Defence is one of the largest landowners in the UK with extensive, diverse and unique infrastructure. This DIO-managed estate is vital for Defence personnel to live, work, train and deploy. Life at DIO I joined …
It’s Data Protection Day, so what more appropriate time to talk about how we use data in DIO? Recently DIO has sought to investigate how we can use our data to find ways to better support the Armed Forces. Read on to find out more.
Black History Month is important to me as it illustrates the contributions that this community has made to society over many years. I'm particularly interested in the contributions of black people during the Second World War and Windrush years.
Did you know DIO has played a small part in saving lives in the Australian outback? Read on to find out how!
Recently I was fortunate enough to be able to visit our overseas training area in Belize with Brigadier Simon Stockley and his team. Here are my impressions of our operation in Belize.
It’s Bees’ Needs Week and I’d like to tell you about the important work that DIO does to protect bees across the Defence estate.
I am incredibly proud to work for Defence and especially for DIO, an organisation that employs some 5,500 people, of which around 600 are overseas. One of the greatest privileges I have as Chief of Staff is seeing first-hand how …
The 2019 MOD Access Forum saw attendees from various organisations learn about the public access issues affecting the MOD estate and even have a go at searching for unexploded ordnance!