Environment and Ecology
People may not realise that as part of DIO’s duty to look after the MOD estate, we do a lot of work to preserve and protect monuments and sites of historical and scientific interest. My name is Richard Osgood and …
Hello, my name is Georgina Smith and I’m the environmental advisor for Skanska at Worthy Down. The Defence Infrastructure Organisation is working on a £300 million project which will deliver the new Defence College of Logistics, Policing and Administration (DCLPA) …
Hi, I’m Jenny Colfer and I’m a Sustainability Manager at DIO. I deal with a broad range of environmental, economic and social issues in my role but my specialism is in the field of air quality. Air pollution is a …
...my name is Iain Perkins. I’m the editor of Sanctuary magazine and we’re now looking for nominations for this year’s awards. Defence Minister Mark Lancaster presents an award at last...
The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) looks after thousands of sites, buildings and training areas, mostly in the UK but also overseas. At regular intervals they all have to be checked for things like Health and Safety. My name is Steve …
...arrived at MOD Head Office feeling very proud of ‘our project’. We’d brought it in early, well under budget and it was one of the best sustainable outcomes for the...
...sources, from oil and gas to electricity and solar power. DIO looks after thousands of buildings on sites across the UK and overseas. [Crown Copyright 2017]The focus of my job...
It’s easy sometimes to think of ‘Defence’ only in terms of aircraft, tanks and warships. In fact it’s really about people, some working on the front line while others work behind the scenes. My name is Iain Perkins and I’d …
Hello, I’m Tom Theed and I’m the Rural Estates Delivery Advisor in the South West for Landmarc Support Services. We are contracted to manage the Defence training estate on behalf of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation. I am often asked why …
Hi, I’m Steven Philipps-Harries, a Deputy Training Safety Officer at Castlemartin Training Area. I blogged early last year about how Castlemartin operates and while we’re on a short quieter period I thought I’d blog again. Here’s a bit of a …