Health and safety
The 2019 MOD Access Forum saw attendees from various organisations learn about the public access issues affecting the MOD estate and even have a go at searching for unexploded ordnance!
In 2015, an overhanging rock face began to collapse, damaging the public stairway that leads down from the South West Coast Path Trail to the Fossil Forest, located within Lulworth Ranges. DIO has worked with Lulworth Estate, Natural England, Dorset Council and Vertical Technologies to repair the stairway and re-open the site.
I am Major Alan Grant MBE SCOTS. Currently I’m posted to Belize with DIO Range Control as the Training Safety Officer (TSO) in support of the British Army Training Support Unit Belize (BATSUB) and I love my job. This is …
Last week we looked at some ways to risk your life on the Defence training estate. When we catch people ignoring the rules, they use a variety of excuses for their actions. Here's a countdown of some of the more ridiculous we’ve come …
We want people to enjoy the military training estate, but it can be a dangerous place if you don't follow the rules. There are a number of ways you can put your life at risk and here's a few of …
The Defence estate includes some of the most dramatic countryside in the UK and every year large numbers of people enjoy access to it both legally and safely. But not everyone sticks to the rules with some people endangering themselves …
...30% of roles, including Area Utility Managers (which are energy managers in practice) are done by women. I’ve always thought that the DIO is the perfect training ground for energy...
Hi, I’m Clare Read from DIO’s Safety, Environment and Engineering team. My role is Head of a DIO Regional Health and Safety team. Health and Safety is a major DIO priority, reflected in our DIO Values ‘Safety First’. It impacts …
My name is Scott Ashworth and I am an Access & Recreation Advisor based in the DIO Environmental Support & Compliance team. The MOD has a policy presumption in favour of public access wherever this is compatible with operational and …
I'm Major Alistair Rule and I work as one of two Training Safety Officers on Salisbury Plain. That means I'm responsible for ensuring safe and sustainable training on Salisbury Plain. My colleague mostly oversees training on the firing ranges and I deal with …